Advanced Usage of SciKeras Wrappers

Wrapper Classes

SciKeras has three wrapper classes avialable to users: scikeras.wrappers.KerasClassifier, scikeras.wrappers.KerasRegressor and scikeras.wrappers.BaseWrapper. BaseWrapper provides general Keras wrapping functionality and KerasClassifier and KerasRegressor extend this with functionality specific to classifiers and regressors respectively. Although you will usually be using either KerasClassifier and KerasRegressor, this document focuses on the overall functionality of the wrappers and hence will refer to scikeras.wrappers.BaseWrapper as a proxy for both of the wrapper classes. Detailed information on usage of specific classes is available in the SciKeras API documentation.

SciKeras wraps the Keras Model to provide an interface that should be familiar for Scikit-Learn users and is compatible with most of the Scikit-Learn ecosystem.

To get started, define your Model architecture like you always do, but within a callable top-level function (we will call this function model_build_fn for the remained of these docs, but you are free to name it as you wish). Then pass this function to BaseWrapper in the model parameter. Finally, you can call fit() and predict(), as with an sklearn estimator. The finished code could look something like this:

def model_build_fn():
     model = Model(...)
     return model

clf = KerasClassifier(model=model_build_fn), y)
y_pred = clf.predict(X_valid)

Let’s see what SciKeras did:

  • wraps keras.Model in an sklearn interface

  • handles encoding and decoding of the target y

  • compiles the Model (unless you do it yourself in model_build_fn)

  • makes all Keras objects serializable so that they can be used with model_selection.

SciKeras abstracts away the incompatibilities and data conversions, letting you focus on defining your architecture and choosing your hyperparameters. At the same time, SciKeras is very flexible and can be extended with ease, getting out of your way as much as possible.


When you instantiate the KerasClassifier or KerasRegressor instance, only the given arguments are stored. These arguments are stored unmodified. For instance, the model will remain uninstantiated. This is to make sure that the arguments you pass are not touched afterwards, which makes it possible to clone the wrapper instance, for example in a GridSearchCV.

Only when the fit() or initialize() methods are called, are the different attributes of the wrapper, such as model_, initialized. An initialized attribute’s name always ends on an underscore; e.g., the initialized model is called model_. (This is the same nomenclature as sklearn uses.) Therefore, you always know which attributes you set and which ones were created by the wrappers.

Once initialized by calling fit, the wrappers create several attributes, documented in the SciKeras API documentation.

Compilation of Model

You have two options to compile your model:

1. Compile your model within model_build_fn and return this compiled model. In this case, SciKeras will not re-compile your model and all compilation parameters (such as optimizer) given to scikeras.wrappers.BaseWrapper.__init__() will be ignored.

2. Return an uncompiled model from model_build_fn and let SciKeras handle the compilation. In this case, SciKeras will apply all of the compilation parameters, including instantiating losses, metrics and optimizers.

The first route will be more flexible if you wish to determine how to compile your Model within the same function in which you define it. The latter will offer an easy way to compile and tune compilation parameters. Examples:

def model_build_fn(compile_kwargs):
    # you can access the ``optimizer`` param here
    optimizer = compile_kwargs["optimizer"]
    if optimizer is None:
        # and apply any custom logic you wish
    model = Model(...)
    return model

clf = KerasClassifier(model=model_build_fn), y)
y_pred = clf.predict(X_valid)
from keras.optimizers import Adam

def model_build_fn():
    model = Model(...)
    # Do not call model.compile
    return model  # That's it, SciKeras will compile your model for you

clf = KerasClassifier(model=model_build_fn, optimizer=Adam), y)
y_pred = clf.predict(X_valid)

In all cases, returning an un-compiled model is equivalent to calling model.compile(**compile_kwargs) within model_build_fn.

Arguments to model_build_fn

User-defined keyword arguments passed to __init__()

All keyword arguments that were given to __init__() will be passed to model_build_fn directly. For example, calling KerasClassifier(myparam=10) will result in a model_build_fn(my_param=10) call. Note however that KerasClassifier(optimizer="sgd") will not result in model_build_fn(optimizer="sgd"). Instead, you must access optimizer either via compile_kwargs if you want a compiled optimizer or params if you want the raw input.

Optional arguments

You may want to use attributes from BaseWrapper such as n_features_in_ while building your model, or you may wish to let SciKeras compile your optimizers and losses but apply some custom logic on top of that compilation.

To enable this, SciKeras uses three special arguments to model that will only be passed if they are present in model’s signature (i.e. there is an argument with the same name in model’s signature):


This is a dictionary containing all of the attributes that BaseWrapper creates when it is initialized These include n_features_in_, y_dtype_, etc. For a full list, see the SciKeras API documentation.


This is a dictionary of parameters destined for keras.Model.compile(). This dictionary can be used like model.compile(**compile_kwargs). All optimizers, losses and metrics will be compiled to objects, even if string shorthands (e.g. optimizer="adam") were passed.


Raw dictionary of parameters passed to __init__(). This is basically the same as calling get_params().

Data Transformers

In some cases, the input actually consists of multiple inputs. E.g., in a text classification task, you might have an array that contains the integers representing the tokens for each sample, and another array containing the number of tokens of each sample. SciKeras has you covered here as well.

Scikit-Learn natively supports multiple outputs, although it technically requires them to be arrays of equal length (see docs for Scikit-Learn’s MultiOutputClassifier). Scikit-Learn has no support for multiple inputs. To work around this issue, SciKeras implements a data conversion abstraction in the form of Scikit-Learn style transformers, one for X (features) and one for y (target). By implementing a custom transformer, you can split a single input X into multiple inputs for keras.Model or perform any other manipulation you need. To override the default transformers, simply override scikeras.wrappers.BaseWrappers.target_encoder() or scikeras.wrappers.BaseWrappers.feature_encoder() for y and X respectively.

SciKeras uses sklearn.utils.multiclass.type_of_target() to categorize the target type, and implements basic handling of the following cases out of the box:


Example y

No. of Outputs

No. of classes

SciKeras Supported


[1, 2, 3]





[1, 0, 1]


1 or 2



[[1, 1],

[0, 2],

[1, 1]]

1 or >1

2 per target

Single output



[[1, 1],

[3, 2],

[2, 3]]


>=2 per target



[.1, .3, .9]





[[.1, .1],

[.3, .2],

[.2, .9]]




If you find that your target is classified as "multiclass-multioutput" or "unknown", you will have to implement your own data processing routine.

For a complete examples implementing custom data processing, see the examples in the Tutorials section.

Routed parameters

For more advanced used cases, SciKeras supports Scikit-Learn style parameter routing to override parameters for individual consumers (methods or class initializers).

All special prefixes are stored in the prefixes_ class attribute of scikeras.wrappers.BaseWrappers. Currently, they are:

  • model__: passed to model_build_fn (or whatever function is passed to the model param of scikeras.wrappers.BaseWrapper).

  • fit__: passed to

  • predict__: passed to keras.Model.predict(). Note that internally SciKeras also uses keras.Model.predict() within scikeras.wrappers.BaseWrapper.score() and so this prefix applies to both.

  • callbacks__: used to instantiate callbacks.

  • optimizer__: used to instantiate optimizers.

  • loss__: used to instantiate losses.

  • metrics__: used to instantiate metrics.

  • score__: passed to the scoring function, i.e. scikeras.wrappers.BaseWrapper.scorer().

All routed parameters will be available for hyperparameter tuning.

For example:

clf = KerasClassifier(..., fit__batch_size=32, predict__batch_size=10000)

Below are some example use cases.

Compilation with routed parameters

SciKeras can compile optimizers, losses and metrics with routed parameters. This allows hyperparameter tuning with deeply nested parameters to optimizer, losses and metrics. You can use this feature both when you let SciKeras compile your Model and when you compile your own model within model_build_fn (by accepting the compile_kwargs parameter).


from scikeras.wrappers import KerasClassifier
import keras

clf = KerasClassifier(
clf = KerasClassifier(  # equivalent model
    model=model_build_fn, optimizer=keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.5)


Only routed parameters can be tuned; the object syntax can not be tuned. That is, in the example above, it’s possible to tune the learning rate with Scikit-Learn’s RandomizedSearchCV by specifying optimizer__learning_rate. It’s not possible to tune the learning rate with Scikit-Learn when optimizer=SGD(learning_rate=0.5) is specified.


from keras.losses import BinaryCrossentropy, CategoricalCrossentropy

clf = KerasClassifier(
    loss__label_smoothing=0.1,  # results in BinaryCrossentropy(label_smoothing=0.1)
# pure Keras object only syntax is still supported, but parameters can't be tuned
clf = KerasClassifier(..., loss=BinaryCrossentropy(label_smoothing=0.1))

Keras, and SciKeras by extension, support passing a single loss (which will be applied to all outputs) or a loss for each output by passing a list of losses or a dict of losses.

Additionally, SciKeras supports routed parameters to each individual loss, or to all losses together.

from keras.losses import BinaryCrossentropy, CategoricalCrossentropy

clf = KerasClassifier(
    loss=[BinaryCrossentropy, CategoricalCrossentropy],
    loss__from_logits=True,  # BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) & CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
    loss__1__label_smoothing=0.5,  # overrides the above, results in CategoricalCrossentropy(label_smoothing=0.5)
# or
clf = KerasClassifier(
    loss={"out1": BinaryCrossentropy, "out2": CategoricalCrossentropy},
    loss__from_logits=True,  # BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) & CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
    loss__out2__label_smoothing=0.5,  # overrides the above, results in CategoricalCrossentropy(label_smoothing=0.5)

With this parameter routing in place, you can now use hyperparameter tuning on each loss’ parameters.


Metrics have similar semantics to losses, but multiple metrics per output are supported. Here are several support use cases:

from keras.metrics import BinaryAccuracy, AUC

clf = KerasClassifier(
# or to apply multiple metrics to all outputs
clf = KerasClassifier(
    metrics=[BinaryAccuracy, AUC],  # both applied to all outputs
# or for different metrics to each output
clf = KerasClassifier(
    metrics={"out1": BinaryAccuracy, "out2": [BinaryAccuracy, AUC]},
# assuming you ordered your outputs like [out1, out2], this is equivalent to
clf = KerasClassifier(
    metrics=[BinaryAccuracy, [AUC, BinaryAccuracy]],

See the Keras Metrics docs for more details on mapping metrics to outputs.


SciKeras can route parameters to callbacks.

clf = KerasClassifier(

Just like metrics and losses, callbacks support several syntaxes to compile them depending on your needs:

# for multiple callbacks using dict syntax
clf = KerasClassifier(
    callbacks={"bl": keras.callbacks.BaseLogger, "es": keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping}
# or using list sytnax
clf = KerasClassifier(
    callbacks=[keras.callbacks.BaseLogger, keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping]
    callbacks__1__monitor="loss",  # EarlyStopping(monitor="loss")

Keras callbacks are event based, and are triggered depending on the methods they implement. For example:

See the Keras Callbacks docs for more details on method-based event dispatch.

If for any reason you do need to create seperate callbacks for fit and predict, simply use the fit__ or predict__ routing prefixes on your callback:

clf = KerasClassifier(

…, callbacks=keras.callbacks.Callback, # called from both fit and predict fit__callbacks=keras.callbacks.Callback, # called only from fit predict__callbacks=keras.callbacks.Callback, # called only from predict


Any routed constructor parameters must also use the corresponding prefix to get routed correctly.

Routing as positional or keyword arguments

It is possible that the consturctor of the class you need instantiated does not accept keyword arguments. In this case, instead of __name_of_kwarg=value you can use __0=value (or any other integer), which tells SciKeras to pass that parameter as an positional argument instead of a keyword argument.

import keras

 class Schedule:
     """Exponential decay lr scheduler.
     def __init__(self, wait_until_epoch: int = 10, coef: float = 0.1) -> None:
         self.wait_until_epoch = wait_until_epoch
         self.coef = coef

     def __call__(self, epoch: int, lr: float):
         if epoch < self.wait_until_epoch:
             return lr
         return lr * tf.math.exp(-self.coef)

 clf = KerasClassifier(
     callbacks__0=Schedule,  # __0 indicates this should be passed as an arg; LearningRateScheduler does not accept kwargs

Custom Scorers

SciKeras uses sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score() and sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score() as the scoring functions for scikeras.wrappers.KerasClassifier and scikeras.wrappers.KerasRegressor respectively. To override these scoring functions,