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Wiring is the act of "connecting" together dependencies. There are generally two types of wiring that a DI container can do:

  • Autowiring: where the container inspects the dependencies and automatically deduces their sub-dependencies.
  • Manual wiring: where the user needs to register each sub-dependency with the container.

Autowiring is generally preferrable: it reduces boilerplate and decouples your application from the Container's API. But autowiring is not always possible: sometimes the value is produced by a function (value: int = some_function()) or the type to inject is not the type in the annotation (when using interfaces / protocols).

Autowiring in di

Autowiring in di relies on inspecting function signatures and class constructors. The primary means of inspection are the standard library's inspect.signature and typing.get_type_hints. This makes autowiring compatible with a broad range of things, including:

  • def functions
  • Classes
  • functools.partial binds
  • Callable class classes or class instances (classes implementing __call__)

Here is an example showing autowiring in action.

Autowiring can work with dataclasses, even ones with a default_factory. In this example we'll load a config from the environment:

import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from di import Container, Dependant

class Config:
    host: str = field(default_factory=lambda: os.getenv("HOST", "localhost"))

class DBConn:
    def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None: =

async def controller(conn: DBConn) -> None:
    assert isinstance(conn, DBConn)

async def framework():
    container = Container()
    await container.execute_async(container.solve(Dependant(controller)))

What makes this "autowiring" is that we didn't have to tell di how to construct DBConn: di detected that controller needed a DBConn and that DBConn in turn needs a Config instance.

Manual wiring

But what about situations where autowiring doesn't cut it? A common scenario for this is when type annotations are interfaces / protocols / ABCs, not concrete implementations. This is a good general practice and is very common in larger projects. It is also common for a dependency to come from a function, in which case we don't just want an instance of the type annotation, we want the value returned by a specific function.

In these scenarios, some manual input from the user is required. There are two important concepts in di to handle this input:

  • Binds: are used to swap out one dependency for another, which can be used to swap out an interface / protocol / ABC for a concrete implementation.
  • Markers: usually Depends(...) which tell di how to construct the dependency (e.g. calling a function) as well as carrying other meteadata (like the scope, which you will see more about later on).

Here is an example that makes use of both:

import os
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
    from typing_extensions import Annotated
    from typing import Annotated

from di import Container, Dependant, Depends

class AbstractDBConn:
    def execute(self, query: str) -> str:

class Config:
    host: str = field(default_factory=lambda: os.getenv("HOST", "localhost"))

class ConcreteDBConn:
    def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None:
        self.config = config

    def execute(self, query: str) -> str:
        return f"executed {query}"

def get_user(db: AbstractDBConn) -> str:
    # this is a nonsensical query for demonstration purposes
    # you'd normally want to get the id from the request
    # and returna User object or something like that
    return db.execute("SELECT name from Users LIMIT 1")

async def controller(
    # markers can be added via Annotated
    user1: Annotated[str, Depends(get_user)],
    # or as the default value, in which case types can be checked by MyPy/Pylance
    user2: str = Depends(get_user),
) -> None:
    assert user1 == user2 == "executed SELECT name from Users LIMIT 1"

async def framework():
    container = Container()
    # note that di will also autowire the bind, in this case to inject Config
    container.bind(Dependant(ConcreteDBConn), AbstractDBConn)
    await container.execute_async(container.solve(Dependant(controller)))

Binds in di are particularly powerful because the bound providers can themselves have dependencies, and those dependencies can even be autowired. For more information on binds in di, see our Binds docs.

Markers can be set either as default values or via PEP 593 Annotated. There are advantages and disadvantages to each method:


Pros of Annotated

  • Compatible with other uses of default values, like dataclass' field or Pydantic's Field.
  • Non-invasive modification of signatures: adding Depends(...) in Annotated should be ignored by anything except di.
  • Functions/classes can be called as normal outside of di and the default values (when present) will be used.

Cons of Annotated

  • Types will not be checked: def func(v: Anotated[int, Depends(lambda: "a")]) does not produce an error in MyPy or Pylance.
  • Annotated requires Python 3.9 (although it is available via the typing_extensions backport)
  • Using Annotated is more verbose, and can easily cause your function signature to spill into multiple lines.

Default values

Pros of default values

  • Types will be checked: def func(v: int = Depends(lambda: "a")) produces an error in MyPy or Pylance.
  • Function/class can no longer be called outside of di without passing values: you would get an instance of DependantBase as the default value.

Cons of default values

  • Incompatible with other uses of default values, like dataclass' field or Pydantic's Field.
  • Having a default value in addition to Depends requires some customization of Dependant (to add a default: Any argument).

Overall, use of Annotated is preferable to reduce coupling between di and your code, but using default values can make sense in some scenarios.


Reflection (inspecting function signatures for dependencies) is slow. For this reason, di tries to avoid it as much as possible. The best way to avoid extra introspection is to re-use Solved Dependants.