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Solving a dependency means build a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of dependencies by inspecting sub dependencies and resolving binds. Once we solve a dependency, we can execute it without doing any introspection.

Solving is done by the Container. The result of solving is stored in a SolvedDependent object which you can pass to Container.execute_{sync,async} to get back the result. The simplest form of executing a dependency is thus:

result = container.execute(container.solve(Dependent(lambda: 1)))

For a more comprehensive overview, see the architecture section.


di lets you pre-solve your dependencies so that you don't have to run the solver each time you execute. This usually comes with a huge performance boost, but only works if you have a static dependency graph. In practice, this just means that solving captures the current binds and won't be updated if there are changes to binds. Note that you can still have values in your DAG change, just not the shape of the DAG itself.

For example, here is a more advanced use case where the framework solves the endpoint and then provides the Request as a value each time the endpoint is called.

This means that di does not do any reflection for each request, nor does it have to do dependency resolution.

from di import Container, SolvedDependent
from di.dependent import Dependent
from di.executors import SyncExecutor

# Framework code
class Request:

def web_framework():
    container = Container()
    solved = container.solve(Dependent(controller, scope="request"), scopes=["request"])
    assert isinstance(solved, SolvedDependent)

    with container.enter_scope("request") as state:
            values={Request: Request()}, executor=SyncExecutor(), state=state

    dependencies = solved.dag.keys() - {solved.dependency}
    assert all(isinstance(item, Dependent) for item in dependencies)
    assert { for dependent in dependencies} == {Request, MyClass}

# User code
class MyClass:

def controller(request: Request, myobj: MyClass) -> None:

Getting a list of dependencies

You can easily list all dependencies in a dag via SolvedDependent.dag.keys().

from di import Container, SolvedDependent
from di.dependent import Dependent
from di.executors import SyncExecutor

# Framework code
class Request:

def web_framework():
    container = Container()
    solved = container.solve(Dependent(controller, scope="request"), scopes=["request"])
    assert isinstance(solved, SolvedDependent)

    with container.enter_scope("request") as state:
            values={Request: Request()}, executor=SyncExecutor(), state=state

    dependencies = solved.dag.keys() - {solved.dependency}
    assert all(isinstance(item, Dependent) for item in dependencies)
    assert { for dependent in dependencies} == {Request, MyClass}

# User code
class MyClass:

def controller(request: Request, myobj: MyClass) -> None:

This lists all of the Dependents for the solved dependency.

This means that you can create custom markers and easily enumerate them. For example, you might make a Header dependency and then want to know what headers are being requested by the controller, even if they are nested inside other dependencies:

from di import Dependent

class Header(Dependent[str]):

See the dependents section for a more complete example of this.