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Wiring is the act of "connecting" together dependencies.

In di, wiring is handled by the Dependent API. The general idea is that Container accepts a Dependent and then asks it for it's sub-dependencies. These sub-dependencies are themselves Dependents, and so the Container keeps asking them for their sub-dependenices until there are none.

But how does Dependent know what it's dependencies are? Every Dependent has a call attribute which is a callable (a class, a function, etc.) that which can be introspected (usually with inpsect.signature) to find it's parameters. The from these parameters the Dependent determine's what it's dependencies are. But how do we go from a parameter param: Foo to a Dependent? There are actually several different mechanisms available:


Autowiring is available when the parameter's type annotation is a well-behaved type/class. Well behaved in this case just means that it's parameters can be understood by di, for example that they are type annotated and are uniquely identifiable (param: int won't work properly).

Here is an example showing auto-wiring in action.

Auto-wiring can work with dataclasses, even ones with a default_factory. In this example we'll load a config from the environment:

from dataclasses import dataclass

from di import Container
from di.dependent import Dependent
from di.executors import AsyncExecutor

class Config:
    host: str = "localhost"

class DBConn:
    def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None: =

async def endpoint(conn: DBConn) -> None:
    assert isinstance(conn, DBConn)

async def framework():
    container = Container()
    solved = container.solve(Dependent(endpoint, scope="request"), scopes=["request"])
    async with container.enter_scope("request") as state:
        await solved.execute_async(executor=AsyncExecutor(), state=state)

What makes this "auto-wiring" is that we didn't have to tell di how to construct DBConn: di detected that controller needed a DBConn and that DBConn in turn needs a Config instance.

This is the simplest option because you don't have to do anything, but it' relatively limited in terms of what can be injected.

Autowiring metadata

To execute a dependency, di needs both a callable target (a class, function, etc.) and some metadata, namely scope and use_cache.

Autowiring can discover the callable target from type annotations, but it cannot infer the metadata. So metadata is just inherited from the parent dependency: in the example above, we declared endpoint as having a "request" scope, so all of the sub-dependencies that get auto-wired end up having the "request" scope.

Dependency markers

Dependency markers, in the form of di.dependent.Marker serve to hold information about a dependency, for example how to construct it or it's scope.

Markers are generally useful when:

  • Injecting a non-identifiable type, like a list[str]
  • Injecting the result of a function (param: some_function is not valid in Python)
  • The type being injected is not well-behaved and you need to tell di how to construct it
  • You want to attach metadata to the target (like explicitly setting the scope)

Let's take our previous example and look at how we would have used markers if DBConn accepted a host: str parameter instead of our Config class directly:

from dataclasses import dataclass

from di import Container
from di.dependent import Dependent, Marker
from di.executors import SyncExecutor
from di.typing import Annotated

class Config:
    host: str = "localhost"

class DBConn:
    def __init__(self, host: str) -> None: = host

def inject_db(config: Config) -> DBConn:
    return DBConn(

def endpoint(conn: Annotated[DBConn, Marker(inject_db, scope="request")]) -> None:
    assert isinstance(conn, DBConn)

def framework():
    container = Container()
    solved = container.solve(Dependent(endpoint, scope="request"), scopes=["request"])
    with container.enter_scope("request") as state:
        solved.execute_sync(executor=SyncExecutor(), state=state)

All we had to do was tell di how to construct DBConn (by assigning the parameter a Marker) and di can do the rest. Note that we are still using autowiring for endpoint and Config, it's not all or nothing and you can mix and match styles.

A note on Annotated / PEP 593

Markers are set via PEP 593's Annotated. This is in contrast to FastAPIs use of markers as default values (param: int = Depends(...)). When FastAPI was designed, PEP 593 did not exist, and there are several advantages to using PEP 593's Annotated:

  • Compatible with other uses of default values, like dataclass' field or Pydantic's Field.
  • Non-invasive modification of signatures: adding Marker(...) in Annotated should be ignored by anything except di.
  • Functions/classes can be called as normal outside of di and the default values (when present) will be used.
  • Multiple markers can be used. For example, something like Annotated[T, PydanticField(), Marker()].

This last point is important because of the composability it provides:

from typing import TypeVar, Annotated

from di import Marker
from pydantic import Field

T_int = TypeVar("T_int", bound=int)
PositiveInt = Annotated[T_int, Field(ge=0)]

T = TypeVar("T")
Depends = Annotated[T, Marker()]

def foo(v: Depends[PositiveInt[int]]) -> int:
    return v

Note how we used type aliases to create stackable, reusable types. This means that while Annotated can sometimes be verbose, it can also be made very convenient with type aliases.

Custom types

If you are writing and injecting your own classes, you also have the option of putting the dependency injection metadata into the class itself, via the __di_dependency__(cls) -> Marker protocol. This obviously doesn't work if you are injecting a 3rd party class you are importing (unless you subclass it).

The main advantage of this method is that the consumers of this class (which may be your own codebase) don't have to apply markers everywhere or worry about inconsistent scopes (see scopes).

For example, we can tell di constructing a class asynchronously`:

import inspect
from dataclasses import dataclass

from di import Container
from di.dependent import Dependent
from di.executors import AsyncExecutor

class HTTPClient:

class B:
    msg: str

    def __di_dependency__(cls, param: inspect.Parameter) -> "Dependent[B]":
        # note that client is injected by di!
        async def func(client: HTTPClient) -> B:
            # do an http request or something
            return B(msg=f"👋 from {}")

        return Dependent(func)

async def main() -> None:
    def endpoint(b: B) -> str:
        return b.msg

    container = Container()
    executor = AsyncExecutor()
    solved = container.solve(Dependent(endpoint), scopes=(None,))
    async with container.enter_scope(None) as state:
        res = await solved.execute_async(executor=executor, state=state)
        assert res == "👋 from b"

This allows you to construct your class even if it depends on doing async work and it needs to refer to the class itself.

If you only need to do async work and don't need access to the class, you don't need to use this and can instead just make your field depend on an asynchronous function:

from dataclasses import dataclass

from di import Container
from di.dependent import Dependent, Marker
from di.executors import AsyncExecutor
from di.typing import Annotated

async def get_msg() -> str:
    # make an http request or something
    return "👋"

class B:
    msg: Annotated[str, Marker(get_msg)]

async def main() -> None:
    def endpoint(b: B) -> str:
        return b.msg

    container = Container()
    executor = AsyncExecutor()
    solved = container.solve(Dependent(endpoint), scopes=(None,))
    async with container.enter_scope(None) as state:
        res = await solved.execute_async(executor=executor, state=state)
        assert res == "👋"

Another way this is useful is to pre-declare scopes for a class. For example, you may only want to have one UserRepo for you entire app:

import inspect

from di import Container
from di.dependent import Dependent
from di.executors import SyncExecutor

class UsersRepo:
    def __di_dependency__(cls, param: inspect.Parameter) -> "Dependent[UsersRepo]":
        return Dependent(UsersRepo, scope="app")

def endpoint(repo: UsersRepo) -> UsersRepo:
    return repo

def framework():
    container = Container()
    solved = container.solve(
        Dependent(endpoint, scope="request"), scopes=["app", "request"]
    executor = SyncExecutor()
    with container.enter_scope("app") as app_state:
        with container.enter_scope("request", state=app_state) as req_state:
            repo1 = solved.execute_sync(executor=executor, state=req_state)
        with container.enter_scope("request", state=app_state) as req_state:
            repo2 = solved.execute_sync(executor=executor, state=req_state)
        assert repo1 is repo2


As a convenience, di provides an InjectableClass type that you can inherit from so that you can easily pass parameters to Marker without implementing __di_dependent__:

from di import Container
from di.dependent import Dependent, Injectable
from di.executors import SyncExecutor

class UsersRepo(Injectable, scope="app"):

def endpoint(repo: UsersRepo) -> UsersRepo:
    return repo

def framework():
    container = Container()
    solved = container.solve(
        Dependent(endpoint, scope="request"), scopes=["app", "request"]
    executor = SyncExecutor()
    with container.enter_scope("app") as app_state:
        with container.enter_scope("request", state=app_state) as request_state:
            repo1 = solved.execute_sync(executor=executor, state=request_state)
        with container.enter_scope("request"):
            repo2 = solved.execute_sync(executor=executor, state=request_state)
        assert repo1 is repo2


Binds, which will be covered in depth in the binds section offer a way of swapping out dependencies imperatively (when you encounter type "X", use function "y" to build it). They can be used with any of the methods described above.


Reflection (inspecting function signatures for dependencies) is very slow. For this reason, di tries to avoid it as much as possible. The best way to avoid extra introspection is to re-use Solved Dependents.


There are several ways to declare dependencies in di. Which one makes sense for each use case depends on several factors, but ultimately they all achieve the same outcome.